Thursday, September 16, 2010

Texas Islamophobic Education: too many words about Islam in Textbooks?

A preliminary draft resolution by the Texas Department of Public Instruction states that "diverse reviewers have repeatedly documented gross pro-Islamic, anti-Christian distortions in social studies texts" across the U.S. and that past social studies textbooks in Texas also have been "tainted" with pro-Islamic, anti-Christian views. 
The resolution cites examples in past world history books -- no longer used in Texas schools -- that devoted far more lines of text to Islamic beliefs and practices than to Christian beliefs and practices.

However, Kathy Miller, a spokeswoman for the religious-liberty group Texas Freedom Network, said textbooks currently used in the state's public schools offer a balanced treatment of the world's religions. 
"This is another example of board members putting politics ahead of just educating our kids," Miller said. "Once again, without consulting any real experts, the board's politicians are manufacturing a bogus controversy."
Earlier this year, ultraconservative members of the state education board succeeded in approving a series of extremely controversial changes to school texts, dramatically reshaping core curricula in social studies, history and economics taught to millions of students.

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