Thursday, September 2, 2010

May God bless Lutheran Social Services

Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota works with the United States Government to help refugees establish a home in North Dakota after they are approved for admittance into our country.
The goal of their work is to help refugees achieve economic self-sufficiency as soon as possible.  Partnerships play a vital role in a successful resettlement experience. New American Services works with many state and local agencies including the North Dakota Department of Human Services, the public schools, churches, health care organizations, social service agencies, adult learning centers, civic groups, employers, plus individual volunteers and mentors.  

Through their New American program, LSS North Dakota accepts between180 to 220 individual refugees each year. 
  • Refugees strengthen the local economy by supplying labor, occupying rental housing units and by simply being a consumer.  An employed refugee pays approximately $1000 in state sales tax and contributes $2500 to $3000 in state and federal taxes annually.
  • Refugees offset North Dakota’s population decline and help offset declining school enrollment, the shrinking workforce and reduced tax base.
  • Refugees bring diversity to our area, helping us learn about and from different cultures. 
  • Refugees become homeowners and contribute approximately $100,000 in property taxes per year.
  • Refugees start new businesses and in-turn employ others. 
 These people are a wonderful group working for the good of humanity.  The lead for LSS is Sabina Abaza  Her number is 701-235-7341.

Their web page is at

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