Thursday, September 2, 2010

Most Americans don't understand what Islam is

Mark Twain once said that man was the only creature on earth with true religion - several of them.
Islam is a way of life for millions of American citizens
America has always been proud of its freedom of religion, and has always been diligent to protect it, regardless of how strange someone’s religion seemed.

Therefore, it may seem a ridiculous notion to say that Islam is not a religion. I believe that is it an ideology disguised as a religion and I am one of a growing number who have come to see it that way. Americans are coming to realize that Islam is not like any other religion in the world, because the fact is, it isn’t.

Before going any further, I want to stress that we should not hate Muslims. Jesus died so that every one of them, even the likes of Osama bin Laden, could have a chance to spend eternity with Him. I find it sickening to think that the 1.5 billion Muslims living today, not to mention the millions who have died since Islam began, are going to spend their eternity apart from God. Not only that, their lives are lived under the oppression of Sharia law. So I do not make this argument that Islam is not a religion lightly.

I would not argue that most Muslims practice Islam as a religion, nor would I argue with any Muslim that he or she is not sincere in their beliefs. But we make a big mistake when we look at Islam through the same prism as we look at Christianity. They live under a law, but we live under grace. They believe that they must do everything they can to please Allah, knowing that they may still lose their souls. The only guarantee of salvation they have is to die in a jihad. We know that our salvation is assured, regardless of how much we accomplish for Him. Muslims live under a vastly different mindset. It is very difficult for them to grasp the simplicity of the Gospel, and it is very difficult for us Christians and Westerners to understand how they think and what motivates them.

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