Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm so ronery...Kim Jong il to retire from North Korea.

Analysts believe Jong-il's youngest son Kim Jong-un is likely to be given an official title at the Workers' Party conference.
That would pave the way for his eventual succession as leader.
Jong-il, who is believed to have suffered a stroke in 2008, has reportedly accelerated succession plans.
The North's KCNA news agency said the conference would be held in Pyongyang "for electing its supreme leadership body", but provided no further details of the agenda.
The meeting had been due to start in early September. The report made no mention of the delay.
South Korea said it appeared the meeting was held up by "internal problems", probably related to flooding. 
Media reports have also speculated Kim's health or disagreements over a reshuffle of the power structure could be responsible for the delay.
Party meetings have been held around the country to elect delegates to conference, KCNA reported.
"The meetings elected working people and officials who have displayed patriotic devotion at the work sites for effecting a fresh revolutionary surge, remaining intensely loyal to the party and revolution as delegates to the conference," it said.
Next week's meeting will be the biggest political meeting in North Korea since 1980, when Jong-il himself began his official role.
He succeeded his father and state founder by taking on a Workers' Party title at the age of 38.


He wanted to frame Islamists...

(CNN) -- A 22-year-old Lebanese citizen was arrested Sunday morning in an FBI sting operation after he placed a backpack he believed contained an explosive device near a trash can on a crowded street corner, according to the FBI.
Sami Samir Hassoun was charged with a felony count each of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and attempted use of an explosive device, according to the FBI's Chicago field office.
Hassoun, a legal permanent resident of the United States, wanted to cause political upheaval in Chicago, according to an FBI affidavit regarding its investigation.
Undercover agents posing as potential funders for Hassoun's plans told him they would pay him and they wanted "to change how our country [i.e. the United States] treats our people back home," but Hassoun said that "mine is a kind of a different concept than this."
"Hassoun explained he saw attacking Chicago as a means of creating chaos to gain political control of the city and its sources of revenue," the affidavit said.

Friday, September 17, 2010

You can't beat the Sky Dancer Security System

MINOT, N.D. – A Belcourt man says he will plead guilty to stealing nearly $2,500 from a Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation casino where he worked as a cashier. 
Shane Trottier is charged in federal court with theft by officers and employees of gaming establishments on Indian lands. 
Skydancer Security System
He’s accused of taking the money from the Sky Dancer Casino during a 10-day period in January. 
Prosecutors say on several occasions Trottier cashed out a ticket, canceled the transaction, put the ticket in his pocket and cashed it later. 
Trottier faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine. 

(c) Fargo Forum

Blood drive on the Rez...come out and bleed for the cause!

United Blood Services of Minot and Turtle Mountain Community College blood drive on September 21 at 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., college gymnasium, Belcourt.
Call Annette Charette at 477-7862  or send e-mail to for an appointment.

Muslim summit planned over NYC Islamic center

Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf
NEW YORK — Some Muslims who were initially indifferent about a proposed Islamic center near the World Trade Center site are now rallying around the plan, partly in response to a sense that their faith is under assault.
A summit of U.S. Muslim organizations is planned for Saturday and Sunday in New York City to address both the project and a rise in anti-Muslim sentiments and rhetoric that has accompanied the debate over the project.
It has yet to be seen whether the group will emerge with a firm stand on the proposed community center, dubbed Park51. The primary purpose of the two-day meeting is to talk about ways to combat religious bigotry.
But Shaik Ubaid of the Islamic Leadership Council of Metropolitan New York, one of the groups organizing the gathering, said he has a growing sense that the project is being embraced by American Muslims and Muslim groups after some initial trepidation.
"Once it became a rallying cry for extremists, we had no choice but to stand with Feisal Rauf," he said, referring to the New York City imam who has been leading the drive for the center.
Groups scheduled to participate in the summit include the Islamic Society of North America, the Islamic Circle of North America, the Muslim Alliance of North America and the Council on American Islamic Relations.
Gauging support for the center among U.S. Muslims is difficult. As a group, they are diverse, ranging from blacks who found the faith during the civil rights movement to recent immigrants hailing from opposite ends of the globe. They rarely speak with one voice.
Yet after a pastor in Florida injected himself into the debate by threatening to burn copies of the Quran, U.S. Muslims stirred.
"I think most Muslims outside New York City are more concerned about the backlash than the actual center, which most of them will never directly benefit from," said Shahed Amanullah, the editor-in-chief of the website and a group of other Islam-themed sites.
"Grass-roots support is indeed building," he said, "but that is probably more due to the pushback against the general hostile climate."
The center's location two blocks from ground zero has upset some relatives of Sept. 11 victims and stirred nationwide debate and angry demands that it be moved. Critics say the site of mass murder by Islamic extremists is no place for an Islamic institution.
Rauf has called for the 13-story Islamic center to be open to people of all faiths, while his co-leader of the project, Manhattan real estate developer Sharif El-Gamal, has stressed its non-religious aspects, which include a health club and culinary school.
The weekend summit comes as some supporters of the center have encouraged its organizers to include prayer space for Jews, Christians and other religious groups as a way of countering critics who say it will be a monument to Islamic supremacy.
Julie Menin, the chairwoman of the Manhattan community board that endorsed the project months ago, said she is scheduled to meet with Rauf to discuss the interfaith possibility in the coming weeks.
"They had always talked about giving the center an interfaith concept," she said, "like having classes in Buddhism."
"It's one thing to have panel discussions, but if you really want to bring these factions together ... have a nondenominational interfaith space, like the chapel at the Pentagon, where local rabbis and priests could hold services on different days of the week."
There has always been some interfaith support for the center.
Its backers modeled their concept for the center after the city's two popular Jewish community centers and consulted at length with the managers to learn how to make their model work downtown, and reached out to some neighborhood politicians for support.
There was much less outreach to Muslims, Ubaid said.
Rauf, he said, may have been a regular talking head for the national news media on Muslim world affairs, but among New York City imams he was something of an outsider, Ubaid said.
"He was not that involved with the local Muslim community," Ubaid said. He said that included a general failure to round up support for the center before going public with his plans. "Had we consulted us, we probably would have told him, gently, no."
Even after the proposal became public, there was a hesitation by some Muslim groups to quickly endorse the idea, in part because of questions about its feasibility.
Questions about the project's finances have indeed lingered. The investment partnership that owns the property, led by El-Gamal, quickly fell more than $224,000 behind on its property taxes this summer.
The city's finance department confirmed Friday that El-Gamal had begun resolving that debt Wednesday, turning over a check for a little more than $35,000 and signing on to an eight-installment payment plan to pay the rest.
El-Gamal said in a statement that the failure to pay was due to a dispute with the city over the assessed value of the property — an appeal that is still pending.
Rauf and his wife, Daisy Khan, have also been sued by a small city in New Jersey over the conditions in two apartment buildings they own there. Khan said in court papers filed Thursday that repairs are under way.

Terrorists Foiled in Plot to Kill Pope.

Six street cleaners were dramatically held by anti-terror police early yesterday over fears that they were plotting an atrocity against the Pope during his visit to Britain.

Armed officers detained the men, all believed to be Muslims of North African origin, as they prepared to go on shift at a cleaning depot in Central London.

A few hours earlier, counter-terrorism officers had been tipped off that the men could have been planning to ‘harm’ Pope Benedict XVI or carry out some sort of atrocity to coincide with his visit.

With only a short time to assess the credibility of the information, Yard chiefs authorised their arrests.
Pope terror plot
Investigation: A police officer stands guard outside the Veolia depot in central London where five men were arrested by police investigating a suspected plot to harm the Pope

Their response reflected the nervousness which surrounds the visit of the leader of the world’s Roman Catholics – who prompted outrage four years ago when he said the Prophet Mohammed had brought the world only ‘evil and inhuman’ things. 
He later apologised, claiming his words had been misinterpreted.

Read more:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Texas Islamophobic Education: too many words about Islam in Textbooks?

A preliminary draft resolution by the Texas Department of Public Instruction states that "diverse reviewers have repeatedly documented gross pro-Islamic, anti-Christian distortions in social studies texts" across the U.S. and that past social studies textbooks in Texas also have been "tainted" with pro-Islamic, anti-Christian views. 
The resolution cites examples in past world history books -- no longer used in Texas schools -- that devoted far more lines of text to Islamic beliefs and practices than to Christian beliefs and practices.

However, Kathy Miller, a spokeswoman for the religious-liberty group Texas Freedom Network, said textbooks currently used in the state's public schools offer a balanced treatment of the world's religions. 
"This is another example of board members putting politics ahead of just educating our kids," Miller said. "Once again, without consulting any real experts, the board's politicians are manufacturing a bogus controversy."
Earlier this year, ultraconservative members of the state education board succeeded in approving a series of extremely controversial changes to school texts, dramatically reshaping core curricula in social studies, history and economics taught to millions of students.

CNN: Israelis Refuse to Halt Theft of Palestinian Lands

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has proposed a three-month extension of Israel's construction moratorium on the West Bank, a diplomatic source told CNN Thursday.
The proposal, which was made this week during Middle East peace talks being held in the region, was accepted by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, but essentially rejected by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 
The two sides appear to be at a stalemate, the source said.
Netanyahu's official position remains that he will not support any extension of the moratorium, which has been in place for 10 months and is set to expire September 26. 
The U.S. special envoy to the region, former Sen. George Mitchell, is attempting to negotiate a "quid pro quo" from the Palestinians in exchange for an extension, the source added. 
"There are all kinds of ideas in the air" over different ways to break the logjam, the source noted.
"Nobody is going to let the talks break down over this issue," the source said. "Nobody is walking out of these talks."
Among the ideas being discussed is a recognition on the part of the Palestinians of Israel as a fundamentally Jewish state. A partial continuation of the moratorium is also under discussion, though Abbas has so far resisted anything less than a full extension, the source said.
Israeli and Palestinian negotiating teams are expected to continue discussing the issue at a meeting scheduled for Sunday, the source added. 
The expectation is that some sort of solution will ultimately be found, the source said. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Muslims are asking why

Nine years of denouncing terrorism, of praying side-by-side with Jews and Christians, of insisting "I'm American, too." None of it could stop a season of hate against Muslims that made for an especially fraught Sept. 11. Now, Muslims are asking why their efforts to be accepted in the United States have been so easily thwarted.
"We have nothing to apologize for, we have nothing to fear, we have nothing to be ashamed of, we have nothing that we're guilty of — but we need to be out there and we need to express this," said Imam Mohammed Ibn Faqih in a sermon at the Islamic Institute of Orange County in Anaheim, Calif., the day before the 9/11 anniversary.
There is no simple way for American Muslims to move forward.
Images of violence overseas in the name of Islam have come to define the faith for many non-Muslims at home. The U.S. remains at war in Afghanistan, and although America has formally declared an end to its combat operations in Iraq, U.S. troops there continue to fight alongside Iraqi forces.

Within the U.S., domestic terror has become a greater threat, while ignorance about what Islam teaches is widespread. More than half of respondents in a recent poll by the Pew Forum for Religion & Public Life said they knew little or nothing about the Muslim faith.
Some U.S. Muslims say their national organizations share the blame, for answering intricate questions about Islam with platitudes, and failing to fully examine the potential for extremism within their communities. Muslim leaders often respond when terrorists strike by saying Islam is a "religion of peace" that has no role in the violence instead of confronting the legitimate concerns of other Americans, these Muslim critics say.
"There's a quaintness and naivete or outright whitewashing of some very complex issues," said Saeed Khan, who teaches at Wayne State University in Detroit. "This has caused a lot of frustration for a lot of Muslim Americans, myself included."


Israel Abuses Palestinian Children


Sunday, September 12, 2010


Build Islamic center on Ground Zero, says Moore

(CNN) – Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore is weighing in on the proposed Islamic Community Center in New York City, stirring the the pot by saying he doesn't want it to be built near Ground Zero but rather on Ground Zero.
"I want it built on Ground Zero. Why? Because I believe in an America that protects those who are the victims of hate and prejudice," Moore writes in an open letter on his website. "I believe in an America that says you have the right to worship whatever God you have, wherever you want to worship. 
"And I believe in an America that says to the world that we are a loving and generous people and if a bunch of murderers steal your religion from you and use it as their excuse to kill 3,000 souls, then I want to help you get your religion back. And I want to put it at the spot where it was stolen from you," he added.
The filmmaker is also urging his supporters to contribute money to help fund the controversial project and is pledging to match up to $10,000 in donations. 
"C'mon everyone, let's pitch in and help those who are being debased for simply wanting to do something good. We could all make a huge statement of love on this solemn day," Moore writes.
The religious leader behind the plans to erect an Islamic center and mosque a few blocks from New York's ground zero told CNN Wednesday night that America's national security depends on how it handles the controversy.
"If we move from that location, the story will be the radicals have taken over the discourse," Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf told CNN's Soledad O'Brien on "Larry King Live."
"The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack."
The project, known as Park51, is slated to include a variety of facilities, including a prayer room, a performing arts center, gym, swimming pool and other public spaces. It is planned for a site two blocks from the World Trade Center.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Have you haters ever actually read the Quran?

The whole media uproar with the burning of the Koran misses the point. The pastor should not burn the Koran but ask his congregation to READ the Koran. They would get a clear understanding and could not be accused of cherry picking certain verses out of context. The full context would become clear.

I find it absurd that the whole western world is discussing the burning of a book very few have read. Should not our political elites read it and finally understand the mindset of the Muslims?

How different the world would have been if our main stream papers like the Washington Post or the Wall Street Journal had published the Koran immediately after the Iranian revolution? Even President Obama would have had to modify his Cairo speech and include both verses 5:32 and 5:33 , if he would have been elected in the first place.

There still would not have been peace in the Middle East, but there would definitely not have been so many futile attempts.

It is never too late. If the western media had any interest in the future of the West they would start doing it today.

American Intolerance Aids Al Qaeda and the Taliban

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- The Florida pastor who had planned to burn copies of the Quran called the event off.  But word apparently had not reached many in Afghanistan, where thousands turned out for a second day of protests. Demonstrators set tires on fire and chanted "Death to America."
In the largest protest today, a police official estimated the crowd at more than 10,000. Police fired warning shots to prevent protesters from storming a provincial governor's residence. Witnesses said Taliban agitators were among the crowd.
The Taliban have been distributing pamphlets decrying Terry Jones' plans, claiming they showed the Americans were in Afghanistan to wage war against Islam.

Christians showing Christ-like tolerance???

A small group of conservative Christians tore some pages from a Holy Quran in a protest outside the White House yesterday to denounce what they called the “charade of Islam” on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
“Part of why we’re doing that, please hear me: the charade that Islam is a peaceful religion must end,” said Randall Terry, a leading anti-abortion campaigner, and one of six people who took part in the protest.
Another activist, Andrew Beacham, read out a few Quran passages calling for hatred towards Christians and Jews, and then ripped those pages from an English paperback edition of the Islamic holy book.
Copies of the Quran were desecrated in two other incidents — one behind the gates of a Christian religious compound in Kansas and the other in front of cameras not far from ground zero.

The protests came as the United States marked the sombre ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
After days of global outrage and protests, Pastor Terry Jones, from Gainesville, said yesterday: “We will definitely not burn the Quran, no.” “Not today, not ever,” he told NBC television when pressed for his plans.
President Barack Obama told a deeply polarized America yesterday that Islam was not the enemy as the 9/11 ceremonies took place.
“As Americans we will not and never will be at war with Islam. It was not a religion that attacked us that September day. It was Al Qaeda, (a) sorry band of men, which perverts religion,” Obama said.
Moving remembrance ceremonies were held to honour the nearly 3,000 people killed when Al Qaeda extremists slammed airliners into New York’s World Trade Center, the Pentagon outside Washington and a field in Pennsylvania.
Later in the day, thousands of people took to the streets in duelling protests over building a mosque close to Ground Zero, triggering noisy sidewalk arguments closely watched by a tight police guard.
About 1,500 people first marched in favour of a Muslim organisation’s right to build a Muslim community centre. Later, about 2,000 people gathered close by for a separate rally against the mosque.

Defending the Constitution by Being Dicks?

Despite multiple pleas to reconsider, two local religious leaders held a private Quran burning in a Springfield backyard Saturday afternoon.
The Rev. Bob Old and the Rev. Danny Allen both had different reasons for burning the Muslim holy book, but they said it had nothing to do with whether or not a mosque was built near ground zero."It's about faith, it's about love, but you have to have the right book behind you. This is a book of hate, not a book of love," said Old while holding up a Quran.
The two men said they burned the books to defend the United States Constitution and the American people. It's a move that has been denounced by Christian groups, politicians and even some of their family members.

Is this man doing this just to be a dick?  Probably so.

Fascist Burns Quran at Ground Zero

A man ripped pages from a Koran and lit them aflame at a protest near the proposed site of a community center and mosque near Ground Zero on Saturday.
"If they can burn American flags, I can burn the Koran," shouted the unidentified man. "America should never be afraid to give their opinion."
The man was led away by police but did not appear to be arrested.
Read More at NY Daily News

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Grand Forks Racially Profiles Somali Businessmen

Four men were questioned Thursday by U.S. Border Patrol agents outside a Somali-owned cafe on South Washington Street. Three were handcuffed and taken into custody until their immigration status could be determined, a Border Patrol spokesman said.
Somalis at the scene about 3 p.m. Thursday said the men are Somali immigrants, and one who was questioned was Ali Hussein, owner of the Washington Cafe, 2017 S. Washington, employees and friends said.
Hussein told the Herald after he was released Thursday evening that he’s going to complain to city officials over the incident.
It began when a Grand Forks police officer saw a parking violation by a vehicle in front of the cafe on the frontage road, Sgt. Kevin Kallinen said. Something caused the officer to call in the Border Patrol for assistance, Kallinen said.
The incident led to large gathering of Somalis and law enforcement and lasted about an hour.
Ahmed Farah sat in the cafe after the arrests and told an angry friend there was nobody to manage it and the head cook was gone, so it probably wouldn’t open.
Hussein is his uncle, and Farah works in the cafe, he said. Farah was driving, with Hussein in the car, when police began asking to see a driver’s license, Farah said. It was a just a mix-up about who was driving, Farah said.
When Border Patrol agents arrived, Somalis also began gathering at the cafe to see what was going on.
Farah said the Border Patrol agents began demanding documents from any Somali they saw walking nearby, Farah said. “I would understand if there was some criminal activity going on,” Farah said. “But this wasn’t right.”
By about 9 p.m., a cafe employee said Hussein and the other two men had been released.
Brent Everson, a Border Patrol spokesman, characterized the agents’ actions as asking to see the kind of identification all immigrants are required to have on their person.
After the incident, several Somalis expressed dismay and anger, saying it was heavy-handed law enforcement singling out Somalis.
One of the men detained came to the United States only a month ago and does not yet understand English, said Mulki Hoosh, a Somali woman who works at the local Somali Community Center. “I told them (law enforcement) he doesn’t understand what you are saying.”
The Border Patrol agents seemed to be taking unusual and unfair interest in demanding immigration papers from Somalis, Hoosh said.
“This is my place of business” said Hoosh, referring to being a customer of the cafe, after she had talked with Border Patrol agents and police officers. Several of the Somalis said they worked in the cafe.
It wasn’t helping the business to have all the police vehicles outside for so long, Hoosh said. Hussein has lived in the United States for about a decade, so there shouldn’t be much question about his status, Hoosh said.
She said it appeared Hussein had an out-of-date document, or didn’t have the particular one Border Patrol agents were looking for, so he was taken in for questioning before being released.
“This is unacceptable,” said Jama Koreye, who said it appeared the Border Patrol agents were treating Somalis differently than other immigrants.
Everson said the three men’s identities would not be released by the Patrol. He could not confirm the men were Somalis. But he said they were kept in the patrol’s holding cells in its new facility near the Grand Forks International Airport until their immigration status was determined.
He said all immigrants must keep documentation of their status on their person at all times. The Border Patrol regularly holds information sessions with college students, for example, to let them know they should always have their visa with them.
Robin David, president of the board of the local Global Friends Coalition that works with new immigrants, said she doesn’t know exactly what happened Thursday.
But she knows that many immigrants, after living here for a year or more, get accustomed to not carrying immigration documents with them at all times.
“That practice of making people feel like they are suspects doesn’t help them to feel welcome in a community,” David said Thursday night. “I don’t the specifics of what happened (Thursday), but it’s important for immigrants to feel they are part of the community.”
David said informal estimates have 300 or more Somalis living in greater Grand Forks. Many first immigrated to other parts of the United States and have moved here since, she said.
In the past decade, more than 700 Somalis have immigrated from their homeland to North Dakota, most to Fargo but many to Grand Forks, refugee officials have said.
More than 80,000 Somali immigrants live in Minnesota, the largest number in any state, according to published reports.
Hoosh said she lived previously in Boston, where it wasn’t required to always have your immigration documents on your person “as long as you have your state ID.”
She showed reporters an identification certificate she said she received from U.S. immigration officials.
“They say this is a copy and I need the original,” Hoosh said. “Well, this is what they gave me. They are arresting people for documents they are not giving out.”
Hussein told the Herald he was released after several hours, as were the other two men, after a lawyer helped them prove they had legal immigration status.
He had left his green card at home, but shouldn’t have been jailed for it, Hussein said.  “I have lived in Grand Forks for seven years,” he said. “This is the second time they have done this.”
It’s not the way to treat a business owner, he said. “I am going to the city and talk to the mayor.”

Sarah Palin Opposes Quran Burning??? WTF!!!

Sarah Palin yesterday denounced a Florida pastor’s plan to burn copies of the Quran, saying the event “will feed the fire of caustic rhetoric and appear as nothing more than mean-spirited religious intolerance. Don’t feed that fire.” In doing so, Palin added a big voice to criticism of Terry Jones’s planned rally and bonfire Saturday to mark the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Earlier, Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander in Afghanistan, the White House, the State Department –concerned that burning Muslims’ holy book will spark violence — urged Jones to stop the rally. The planned rally and the uproar over building a mosque and Muslim community center near Ground Zero in New York provide the backdrop for this year’s ninth commemoration of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.



American Soldiers Mutilate Afghan Bodies

WASHINGTON - Twelve U.S. soldiers face a variety of charges in what military authorities believe was a conspiracy to murder Afghan civilians and cover it up, along with charges they used hashish, mutilated corpses and kept grisly souvenirs. 
Five soldiers face murder charges, while seven others are charged with participating in a coverup. All of the men were members of a 2nd Infantry Division brigade operating near Kandahar in southern Afghanistan in 2009 and 2010.

According to the military documents, Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs and four other soldiers were involved in throwing grenades at civilians and then shooting them in separate incidents. Three Afghan men died. 
Authorities allege Gibbs kept finger bones, leg bones and a tooth from Afghan corpses. Another soldier, Spc. Michael Gagnon II, allegedly kept a skull from a corpse, according to charging documents. Several soldiers are charged with taking pictures of the corpses, and one - Spc. Corey Moore - with stabbing a corpse. 
Staff Sgt. Robert Stevens is charged with lying to investigators about the deaths, saying the civilians posed a threat. 
Other soldiers are charged with assaulting Afghan civilians by shooting at them, and several soldiers face charges of failing to properly account for and dispose of weapons. 
Eight of the soldiers also are charged with using hashish and beating a junior soldier in an attempt to stop him from reporting them for misconduct, including hashish use. 
Gibbs is also charged with telling another soldier to lie about the incidents including the platoon's involvement in illegal drug use. He is alleged to have told Spc. Adam Winfield, "I'm going to send you home by dropping a tow bar on you," if Winfield revealed information to investigators. 
Winfield is also charged with murder and conspiracy to commit murder in this case. 
Five soldiers were originally arrested in June and seven others were charged last month. The documents released by the Army this week are the most detailed disclosure of what the men are alleged to have done. 
The five facing murder charges are Gibbs, of Billings, Montana; Pfc. Andrew Holmes of Boise, Idaho; Winfield, of Cape Coral, Florida; Spc. Michael Wagnon, of Las Vegas, Nevada; and Spc. Jeremy Morlock of Wasilla, Alaska. The five are from the 5th Stryker Brigade. 
Holmes is accused of killing Afghan civilian Gul Mudin in January with a grenade and rifle. Winfield is accused of killing civilian Mullah Adahdad in May in a similar manner, and Wagnon is accused of shooting to death Marach Agha in February. Morlock and Gibbs each were charged with three counts of murder and one count of assault involving the same victims as in the cases against Holmes, Wagnon and Winfield. 
Stevens and Pfc. Ashton Moore are charged with conspiracy to commit aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon, and Sgt. Darren Jones is charged with conspiracy to commit assault and battery and conspiracy to commit aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon. 
Cpl. Emmitt R. Quintal, Staff Sgt. David Bram, Spc. Adam Kelly and Spc. Corey Moore are charged with conspiracy to commit assault and battery. 
Stevens is charged with wrongfully and wantonly engaging in conduct likely to cause death or bodily harm to other soldiers, and Jones, Quintal, Bram, Kelley and Corey Moore are charged with unlawfully striking another soldier.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Quran-burning preacher defines “idiot”

A few years back, I hosted a weekly radio program, “Bob Barr’s Laws of the Universe.”  In recognition of the fact that the first Law of the Universe is, ”The World is Full of Idiots,” each week we would identify one or more members of that large class of persons as rising above the rest, as “Idiot of the Week.”  At the final show each year, we would announce the idiots par excellence as “Idiots of the Year” awardees.  Given the plethora of idiots from which to choose over the course of the year, identifying those truly outstanding idiots worthy of annual recognition was a difficult task; but one we somehow managed to accomplish.
Were I still hosting the show, I have no doubt that for the final show of 2010, one of the finalists for “Idiot of the Year” would be the Rev. Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida.  Jones is the so-called preacher who is hosting and calling for a Quran-burning party this coming Saturday, September 11th.  Unlike pastors of bona fide churches, Jones’ “Dove World Outreach Center” spends its time and resources preaching hatred of Islam; something its webpage refers to as, ”getting up.” 
While the primary focus of “DWOC” (an acronym the Center itself uses for short-hand references to itself) is Islam, it might just as well be Judaism, since the Center identifies the cardinal sin of Islam to be its belief that “any religion .  .  .  which teaches that Jesus is not the Son of God” is “of the devil.”
Apparently oblivious to much of reality, Rev. Jones appears to care not that staging a highly-publicized book-burning event concentrating on the Quran may — as Gen. David Petraeus has noted from his perspective as the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan — place American troops in danger.  Jones certainly cares even less that Attorney General Eric Holder accurately describes the planned pyrotechnic pic nic as “idiotic.”  In this assessment, however, both Holder and Petraeus are describing the Gainesville preacher in overly generous terms.

Cardinal McCarrick, US bishops’ official denounce bigotry against Islam

A cardinal, a US bishops’ conference official, and 32 other religious leaders issued a statement on September 7 denouncing “categorically the derision, misinformation and outright bigotry being directed against America’s Muslim community.” 
“In advance of the ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, we announce a new era of interfaith cooperation,” said the signatories, who include Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and Father James Massa, executive director of the Secretariat of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The statement continues: 
In recent weeks, we have become alarmed by the anti-Muslim frenzy that has been generated over the plans to build an Islamic community center and mosque at the Park 51 site near Ground Zero in New York City. We recognize that the vicinity around the former World Trade Center, where 2,752 innocent lives were cruelly murdered on 9/11, remains an open wound in our country, especially for those who lost loved ones. Persons of conscience have taken different positions on the wisdom of the location of this project, even if the legal right to build on the site appears to be unassailable. Our concern here is not to debate the Park 51 project anew, but rather to respond to the atmosphere of fear and contempt for fellow Americans of the Muslim faith that the controversy has generated.
We are profoundly distressed and deeply saddened by the incidents of violence committed against Muslims in our community, and by the desecration of Islamic houses of worship. We stand by the principle that to attack any religion in the United States is to do violence to the religious freedom of all Americans. The threatened burning of copies of the Holy Qu’ran this Saturday is a particularly egregious offense that demands the strongest possible condemnation by all who value civility in public life and seek to honor the sacred memory of those who lost their lives on September 11. As religious leaders, we are appalled by such disrespect for a sacred text that for centuries has shaped many of the great cultures of our world, and that continues to give spiritual comfort to more than a billion Muslims today.
We are committed to building a future in which religious differences no longer lead to hostility or division between communities. Rather, we believe that such diversity can serve to enrich our public discourse about the great moral challenges that face our nation and our planet. On the basis of our shared reflection, we insist that no religion should be judged on the words or actions of those who seek to pervert it through acts of violence; that politicians and members of the media are never justified in exploiting religious differences as a wedge to advance political agendas or ideologies; that bearing false witness against the neighbor—something condemned by all three of our religious traditions—is inflicting particular harm on the followers of Islam, a world religion that has lately been mischaracterized by some as a “cult.”
“I fear the story of this animosity will be taken to be the story of the real America,” Cardinal McCarrick added during a press conference. “It’s not. America was not built on hatred, but on love.” Such animosity, he added, is “affecting so many good people who have brought Islam to this country.”

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vandalism at Madera mosque one of several incidents under investigation by Justice Department

Vandalism at a mosque in Madera, Calif., is one of several apparently anti-Muslim incidents being investigated by the Justice Department in four states, including the stabbing of a Muslim cab driver in New York City, officials said Tuesday.
Other incidents the FBI and civil rights division investigators are looking into involve mosques or mosque construction sites in Arlington, Texas; Murfreesboro, Tenn.; and Waterport N.Y.
U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric Holder met Tuesday with religious leaders to discuss the attacks and the uproar over a planned Islamic community center near ground zero in New York. 
The criminal investigations were confirmed by civil rights division spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa in response to a query from the Associated Press.
Activists want Holder to condemn hate crimes and try to defuse tensions over a Florida church's plan to burn copies of the Quran on Saturday, the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. 
The Madera Islamic Center, located on Road 26 about two miles north of town, was vandalized three times last month. Someone tried to smash a mosque window with a brick. A sign was left with the words: "Wake up America the enemy is here." On Aug. 24, more menacing signs appeared, including "No temple for the god of terrorism."
Toughly 200 Muslims live in this largely Latino city of 58,000. Most have lived in the community 30 years or more. 
The Madera County Sheriff's Department has classified the vandalism as a hate crime. A group called the American Nationalist Brotherhood claims responsibility. Sheriff's officials said they had never heard of the group.
"Obviously, people are connecting this to New York, the debate on whether they should or should not build a mosque near ground zero," Erica Stuart, a spokeswoman for the Sheriff's Department, said recently. "But still. Here? What in the world does any of that have to do with Madera County?"
The Islamic Cultural Center in Fresno, the nearest big city, held a news conference at the Madera mosque last week to combat what they say is growing anti-Muslim sentiment stirred up by the Manhattan debate, especially on local talk radio.
-- Associated Press and Diana Marcum in Madera

N.Y. imam: Mosque project won't be stopped

The imam at the center of the controversy over what's become known as the "Ground Zero Mosque" — a YMCA-like Islamic center on property two blocks from the former site of the World Trade Center — says the project will not be stopped and that financial backers will be identified. 
In an Op-Ed article on the New York Times website posted Tuesday night, Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam for the proposed Park51 community center, writes of his surprise at the opposition to the center — but is emphatic in saying the center will be built. 
"I have been away from home for two months, speaking abroad about cooperation among people from different religions," writes Rauf, who has been on a goodwill mission sponsored by the U.S. government. 
"Every day, including the past two weeks spent representing my country on a State Department tour in the Middle East, I have been struck by how the controversy has riveted the attention of Americans, as well as nearly everyone I met in my travels." 
"We are proceeding with the community center, Cordoba House," Rauf writes. "More important, we are doing so with the support of the downtown community, government at all levels and leaders from across the religious spectrum, who will be our partners. I am convinced that it is the right thing to do for many reasons." 


Attorney general: Quran-burning plan 'idiotic, dangerous'

MIAMI — The government turned up the pressure Tuesday on the head of a small Florida church who plans to burn copies of the Quran on Sept. 11, with Attorney General Eric Holder calling the idea "idiotic and dangerous." 
Religious leaders who met with Holder for nearly an hour Tuesday to discuss recent attacks on Muslims and mosques around the United States said those were his words on the plan by the Rev. Terry Jones of Gainesville, Fla.

Reverend Terry Jones plans Burn a Koran Day at his Church

The meeting was closed to reporters, but a Justice Department official who was present confirmed that Holder said that the plan to burn copies of the Quran was idiotic.
Holder also told the group no one should have to live and pray in fear and that he planned to address the issue publicly soon, the meeting participants said. He also reiterated a commitment to aggressively prosecute hate crimes, they said. 

The Justice official, who requested anonymity because the meeting was private, also said Holder was quoting Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. general in Afghanistan, when he used the word dangerous. 
Petraeus warned Tuesday in an e-mail to The Associated Press that "images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence." It was a rare example of a military commander taking a position on a domestic political matter. 
But Jones insisted he would go ahead with his plans, despite the criticism Petraeus, the White House and the State Department, as well as a host of religious leaders. 


Monday, September 6, 2010

UND forms partnership with Turtle Mountain Community College

On August 3, 2010, University of North Dakota President Robert Kelley and Turtle Mountain Community College President, James Davis, met at Turtle Mountain Community College for a tour of the facility and to discuss collaboration between the two institutions.
Turtle Mt. Community College, Belcourt, ND
Located three miles from Belcourt, North Dakota, the Turtle Mountain Community College (TMCC) is nestled within the boundaries of the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation.
Established in 1972, the Turtle Mountain Community College has continued to grow in population and as an academic institution. Not only has Turtle Mountain Community College been expanding in population and new facilities, they have also been building new relationships with other institutions.
The University of North Dakota has long since been a partner of TMCC, however, it has never been a formalized relationship. In 2009, the North Dakota State Legislature passed legislation that both required and encouraged tribal colleges and mainstream institutions to enter into collaboration.
In the past two years, UND has been meeting and discussing with TMCC about the potential collaboration. There has been a lot of discussion, which has begun to lay the groundwork for the future of the two institutions.
For UND students or even students who are in need of a different route, TMCC can offer remedial courses for those who are not entirely up to par with the average college student. From there, they can spend less and catch up while preparing for a smooth transfer from one institution to the other.
This partnership provides many new opportunities for the students of both TMCC and UND. As a smaller college that prides itself on having one of the lowest costs of attendance in the state, TMCC can offer students a cheaper route.
Instead of spending a large sum of money for the first two years, which are similar in every college, students can attend TMCC for the first 2-3 years. Then the student can transfer to UND to complete the remainder of their schooling.  
Not only does this process assist students from financial standpoint, it also allows students who are unable to jump into a large institution take a “baby step” into bigger college life.
This can help many students gradually become accustomed to college life. Also, students who chose this route and are serious about college are likely to have higher grade point averages.
As institutions, TMCC can use this new partnership to expand in many different areas. President James Davis had a plan of action.
“With the new collaboration, TMCC can expand to offer four years programs. We have a nursing program that will be offered in January 2011. With UND, we hope to expand it by offering a Registered Nurse program within the next few years. “
Other areas being explored for development included:  early childhood, mathematics, and engineering. Cassie Trottier, an incoming freshman at TMCC who plans on majoring in early childhood had some thoughts to share on the partnership.
“When I heard about the partnership and how it might expand into early childhood, I was very excited. I chose to come to TMCC because it was a great financial decision and now I get access to resources from UND to help me become a better graduate. I know that this partnership will make a positive impact on a lot of other students at both colleges.”
TMCC is very well known for keeping their culture going through the generations. By doing so, they are better able to train graduates and replenish society with educated members. President Davis also stated some thoughts on how UND and TMCC can work together to promote the continuation of the culture through arts and humanities.
“We’ve attempted to have an arts & humanities program here at TMCC, but due to an array of reasons, have been unable to maintain a strong program. With UND, we can develop interest and programs by having demonstrations at both institutions. There is much talent to be shared by both student populations.”
UND is able to use their technology and resources over long distances to assist many students from site to site.  This provides a better opportunity for students no matter where they are.
The future looks very promising for continued discussions on what the two institutions can accomplish. In fact, UND and TMCC plan to meet two to three times within the academic year. They will meet at both institutions to become more familiar with one another institutions.
This partnership boils down to one main idea; help students at both colleges who want to enrich their education. UND, with their many resources, and TMCC, with their affordable rates, will work together to provide communities with a better scholar.
At the end of the meeting, UND President Dr. Robert Kelley presented President James Davis with a collection of Native American artwork UND has collected over the years. Some of the artists were from the Turtle Mountain Reservation, which highlights the bond the two institutions already share and will continue to maintain.

American Muslims Ask, Will We Ever Belong?

By LAURIE GOODSTEIN  Published: September 5, 2010
For nine years after the attacks of Sept. 11, many American Muslims made concerted efforts to build relationships with non-Muslims, to make it clear they abhor terrorism, to educate people about Islam and to participate in interfaith service projects. They took satisfaction in the observations by many scholars that Muslims in America were more successful and assimilated than Muslims in Europe.
Now, many of those same Muslims say that all of those years of work are being rapidly undone by the fierce opposition to a Muslim cultural center near ground zero that has unleashed a torrent of anti-Muslim sentiments and a spate of vandalism. The knifing of a Muslim cab driver in New York City has also alarmed many American Muslims. 
“We worry: Will we ever be really completely accepted in American society?” said Dr. Ferhan Asghar, an orthopedic spine surgeon in Cincinnati and the father of two young girls. “In no other country could we have such freedoms — that’s why so many Muslims choose to make this country their own. But we do wonder whether it will get to the point where people don’t want Muslims here anymore.” 
Dr. Asghar and his family at an Ohio Islamic Center     

Petraeus Condemns U.S. Church's Plan to Burn Qurans

US General Patraeus
KABUL—The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said the planned burning of Qurans on Sept. 11 by a small Florida church could put the lives of American troops in danger and damage the war effort.
Gen. David Petraeus said the Taliban would exploit the demonstration for propaganda purposes, drumming up anger toward the U.S. and making it harder for allied troops to carry out their mission of protecting Afghan civilians.

"It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort," Gen. Petraeus said in an interview. "It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community." 
Hundreds of Afghans attended a demonstration in Kabul on Monday to protest the plans of Florida pastor Terry Jones, who has said he will burn copies of Islam's holy book to mark the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Afghan protesters chanted "death to America," and speakers called on the U.S. to withdraw its troops. Some protesters threw rocks at a passing military convoy. 

Military officials fear the protests will likely spread to other Afghan cities, especially if the event is broadcast or ends up on Internet video.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Stranger sexually assaults woman in Fargo

A north Fargo woman was sexually assaulted by a stranger in her apartment Thursday night, police said on Friday. 
A 49-year-old Fargo man was arrested Friday morning on suspicion of gross sexual imposition in connection with the suspected assault, Sgt. Mark Lykken said.
A woman living in an apartment in the 2500 block of Broadway told police a stranger entered her home about 8:30 p.m. Thursday and sexually assaulted her, Sgt. Mark Lykken said. 
Police arrested Todd William Naatus at 11:55 a.m. in connection with the incident but wouldn’t release any further details about the assault on Friday, Lykken said. 
According to police dispatch logs, the woman reported the allegation to officers at 11:05 p.m. 
Naatus is being held in the Cass County Jail, awaiting possible charges of gross sexual imposition. No charges were filed in Cass County District Court on Friday, according to court records.
Police say sexual assaults by strangers are relatively rare because the majority of sexual assailants target people they know. 
Gross sexual imposition is a North Dakota criminal charge for forcible rape or sex acts with victims. Charged as a Class A felony, it carries a prison term of up to 20 years upon conviction. 
Fargo Forum

Republican Muslim says right is wrong on mosque

He is a staunch Republican, a conservative, a small-business owner. He was a Republican delegate to the state convention, is vice chair of a district, was appointed to a state board by Gov. Tim Pawlenty. He has participated in demonstrations against gay marriage and he's running for mayor of Apple Valley.
But he also thinks the debate over a mosque near the site of the former Twin Towers is dumb, and downright un-American.
Maybe that's because Ikram ul-Huq has a unique perspective. He is also an imam at a Bloomington mosque, reads the Qur'an every day and likes to say "I came to the United States because of the freedom."

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